Cape st claire

January 5, 2022
Anne Arundel County, Investigative Clinical Research

Celiac Disease Research in Annapolis, Maryland

Although relatives of people with Celiac Disease are not usually screened for the condition, they can request a biopsy to determine if they have the condition. […]
November 26, 2021
Maryland clinical research, Investigative Clinical Research

Gastrointestinal Diseases and Mental Health

The brain is the most powerful muscle in the human body. It controls everything we do, every breath we take, so it makes sense that it […]
November 11, 2021
Annapolis, MD, Investigative Clinical Research

Do I Need to See a GI Doctor?

Gastroenterologists (GI doctor) are doctors that diagnose and treat cancers and other illnesses that affect the GI tract (gastrointestinal, colorectal, liver, pancreatic). Much like the doctors […]