The effects of diet on gastrointestinal issues have been widely discussed and studied, and while we know how certain foods can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms, the long-term dietary effects are still being studied. But food is not the only contributor to gastrointestinal health. Regular physical exercise promotes whole-body health, but there are certain exercises that have been shown to help relieve the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Whether you are looking to improve your overall digestive functions or looking for relief from your chronic illness, exercise can improve all of the above.
Poor digestion has been directly linked to reduced energy levels, irregular bowel movements, constipation, acid reflux, inadequate gut health, negative eating habits, and unhealthy weight gain. All of these symptoms have the same remedy…exercise. Walking. Moving your body from place to place. Walking is a great exercise for digestive health. Walking gets the gears going and takes very little effort. In addition to activating the digestive system and promoting regular movements, walking works wonders for the cardiovascular system.
Bicycling is a great way to fully activate the digestive system. Riding a bicycle requires full-body exercise with very quick foot movements. The system opens up and everything moves freely and quickly in the digestive system. Being a good means of exercise, naturally, you will lose weight, specifically belly fat. By burning away the belly fat, you are also creating a more efficient digestive system. Biking is also beneficial for your heart and cardiovascular health.
Speaking of belly fat, if you really want to keep those abdominal muscles flowing, add sit-ups or crunches into your day. The movement of these muscles decreases bloating. Yoga is also a great way to build your core while building your mind. Yoga is a mind, body, and soul workout. There are great stretches and movements known to improve digestion, bloating, and acid reflux. While stretching it is important to reflect or meditate. These exercises strengthen your brain and create a feeling of positivity. All of this energy has been recognized as beneficial for a healthy gut.
The benefits of including exercise as part of your daily routine are infinite. Any type of exercise to get things in the system flowing the way they were designed to is highly recommended. The doctors at the Investigative Clinical Research Group conduct studies and are doing clinical trials and research with a passion to bring relief to gastrointestinal symptoms. For more information, please visit